New Clients

Need a pet sitter in Baton Rouge? Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to schedule your free consultation! 

Step 1: Complete Intake Form

To schedule a consultation, please complete our Client Intake Form and provide some basic information about your pet care needs. We'll be in touch ASAP to schedule your consultation.

Step 2: Schedule Consultation

Consultations are our chance to meet you and your pet and learn about their daily routine. Consultations are typically 30-60 minutes in your home.

Step 3: Book Future Services

After your consultation is complete, you will be able to use our online booking system to request and schedule pet care services, provide and receive updates about your pet, or make payments via the Client Portal or App.

New Client Intake Form

We are excited to learn more about your pet!

After you read our FAQs and Policies, please complete our Client Intake Form. Once you complete the form, we will be in touch ASAP to schedule your consultation.

From The Blog

Check out our Blog for articles on local pet hot spots, education, events, and tips!